Your generous donation directly funds scholarships and programming for students and teachers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.
Donations contribute to yearly tuition and daily meals for students, as well as summer programming and teacher and faculty development courses.
EduCorps is a non-profit organization qualified as such by the IRS in the state of Virginia. EduCorps is recognized as a public charity under section 501© (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the IRS and is qualified as well to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.
Our team is made up of volunteers and is not required to pay surcharges or stipends to any person or facility. All organized trips to the Great Lakes region are paid for personally and do not use donation money.
Transfers are made via Western Union or bank transfers directly to our supported schools. All transfer fees are personally paid for by our founder.